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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Who's Job Is It

Companies spend a lot of time preparing and editing job descriptions. Each employee is given specific expectations as well as earmarks to measure their level of performance. Usually annually the employee will undergo a review to discuss their performance and expectations. Each year they push to improve their score for money, time, or other compensation. Most important though is that they do well and have a job for the next year.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”

There are necessary jobs in a household to keep things going as well. You drive hard to maintain your job which may be gone tomorrow. How much harder should you work for the marriage that is forever? How you divide the work at home can have a long lasting impact on your life together. Talk to each other and clearly define expectations. I have heard a lot of conflict around the division of housework. Separating duties by men’s work and women’s work can cause even more conflict. Beware of stereo-types to define roles of the household. Instead, work together to share the work all around. You will each have skills, likes and dislikes. Some things you may both dislike, but if you separate those tasks between the two of you it will go much easier. Do not just ignore the tasks that you dislike.

If you take the time to find a schedule or rhythm then your household will run smoothly. I would suggest finding things you can do together to ease the load. Cooking for instance can be not only accomplished easier, but offer a fun time. Chores can be part of your foreplay as you find creative ways to play together while getting things accomplished. Your best times can be accomplished when you get away from your traditional daily schedule and find ways to relax together.

If the household is in order then it is easier to focus on each other. Many husbands may not be so impacted by a house out of order, but if you want the full attention of your wife work to put things right. Wives will be distracted if there are things that need to be done. Understand they function where all parts of their brain run together. Because of this they will be divided by the many things in their life. If you want them to focus on you it is important to eliminate as many outside distractions as possible.

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