Two teams on the field competing for the right to be called the winner. Teams made up of strong teens all prepared for this one event. It’s the final game of the season. Sweat and mud covers them all from head to toe. Everyone is tired, but motivated to keep going. The ball snaps and lines crash together. Just modern day gladiators pushing to prove their dominance. The quarterback sends the football aloft, floating on a cushion of air down the field. The Spectators wait, holding their breath, as they watch the play unfold. In the end zone one player waits alone as the ball is cradled into his hands. The announcer’s screaming touchdown over the loud speaker. As the players run off the field, the coach calls the receiver over, pats him on the back and gives him a hearty good job.
Proverbs 31: 28, 29 “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all”.
Just like the game of football, many people are involved in the winning play, but only one or two receive the praise. If anyone had not done their job to the best of their ability, the ending may have been very different. Marriage can be like the game. There are multiple people involved, but often times only one receives the recognition.
When your marriage struggles through hard-times it takes the both of you. Pushing and sacrificing until a goal is reached. There may be times that you both just do what is needed without talking about it. In the end only one person may get the reward. It may mean the promotion at work you have been vying for. It may be a financial success so that you can buy the new boat or motorcycle. It may be a new house or car. How many times as a couple have you pushed together so that the husband can have the pat on the back and the good job? Men seek recognition and an image of accomplishment. This really builds up our egos and helps our fragile self esteem.
The problem is, what about our wives. They have sweated and gotten dirty with us. What have we done to tell them good job as well. What encouragement have they received for their part? I have heard it said their accomplishment and sign of success is their children. Children are an accomplishment, but should not be placed solely on them as their responsibility and sign of their success. Raising children is a responsibility of both parents and in so doing, a sign of both your success. Your wife needs as much support and encouragement for meeting goals and building self esteem as you. If it is education, career, or another goal, you need to work together so both of you succeed. Just as your wife supports rewards of your accomplishments, you need to figure out what she needs as well.
We all need encouragement to build up self esteem. Selfishness just gets in the way of a healthy marriage. Try to look at your life and what you have done for each other. Is it equitable for both of you? What goals are you working on reaching? Is there rewards planed for both of you as well?
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