The world of the spider is fascinating. They weave intricate patterns of webs in corners, between branches or other locations where food might be caught. Every detail of their life is calculated even down to caring for their children. The female spider attracts the male to fertilize the eggs then when his work is done she kills him to provide food for her young and herself.
Isaiah 66:12,13 “ For thus says the Lord: Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall nurse, you shall be carried upon her hip, and bounced upon her knees. As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem”.
This weekend we celebrate Mother’s day. A time to remember all that our mothers have done for us and celebrate the gift they have given us. So what is it that makes a woman a mother? Is it childbirth? Is it providing food and clothing until we are able to provide for ourselves? Is it time invested? What is it that defines what a mother is? Webster’s defines a mother as a female parent, a woman in relation to her child; a way to take care of, a woman in position of authority.
I believe the definition of a mother is far more complicated than that. The person that receives the title of mother is the one that invests heart and soul into their child. I have watched my wife nurture my children over the last several years and am honored by the example she has been to them. A mother is the woman that provides food and clothing for her children and far more. Mothers offer security for their children. She is willing to do anything to protect her children from harm or hurt. A mother hurts with their child. She is there to hug away the fears when they need. She rubs out the sore muscles. A mother cries with her children, laughs with them, and dances with them. A mother is the foundation to the emotion in a home. She teaches her children respect and how to behave properly. A mother is a mediator in the household. She is there with a word of encouragement and the drive to see you succeed when you have nothing more to draw from. A mother offers a gentle touch. A mother has the toughest job in the family.
You may ask, what does this have to do with marriage. Well it has a lot to do with marriage. How you treat your wife is an example to your children. So many marriages melt down simply because of division in the household. Many times just because the mother feels taken advantage of, hurt in some fashion, or ignored till they stop feeling valued. Husbands need to make it a priority to nurture their wives and remember all they do. Not just on Mother’s Day, but all the time. Be an example to our children of the special person that makes up their mother. Not necessarily in gifts and comments, but in respect and love. Children see the sacrifice their mother offers. Husbands need to recognize the sacrifice and validate their wives, not take them for granted.
Love your wife and be an example to your children.
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