You dream of the hero, strong and gallant whisking you off your feet or the princess that dotes on your every thought, swoons at your every action, and is admired by everyone. You have aspirations of the perfect wedding and the happily ever after. So the question is what does it take to have that fairy tale?
Ecclesiastes 3:12,13 “I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil- this is God’s gift to man”.
Look at the elements of the fairy tale. The beginning offers character development where you find out about the parties as children. You see one of two beginnings; the spoiled child with the frustrated parents or tragedy that causes the child to be raised by strangers. In both cases they are thrown into some sort of struggle of endurance, patience, and survival. The child grows to gain character and honor as an adult. Now the proof of love enters the story. Overcoming all types of physical challenge and emotional hardship they are brought together. Man and woman now battling together against the darkest powers they can imagine. It is only through completing the battle and overcoming the obstacles that they get to ride off, finding that ending of happily ever after.
So many times, I see couples trying to leap straight to the happily ever after, but forgetting the journey. At the first sign that their happily ever after is not going to happen they throw their marriage away. Real life, just like a fairy tale has stages and growth, destinations and journeys. In truth it is a series of adventures. It is through struggle and hardship that we gain appreciation for our mate. Only when we overcome what is standing in the way of our happiness do we get the chance to understand true happy bliss. In reality though the story doesn’t end there, but continues. We have new enemies to overcome and personal growth we need to embrace. After these moments we come together again, not only enjoying one moment of bliss, but are blessed with many cycles of pure joy and happiness. Without cycles life would be mundane and worthless. Remember…joy is a series of happy moments acknowledged and glued together.
There are those that seek “their” happily ever after based on the surface. Beauty and success are far more than looks and popularity. You need to define in yourself what you need and then what you need in a spouse. When you look deeper into others you may find that the one not so obvious choice is actually the better match for you.
Understand a fairy tale marriage takes work and dedication. Both of you have to strive to overcome that dark force that battles to take not only your joy, but life itself. You also need to be aware of those influences around you. Evaluate them to be sure whether they are friend or foe. Be prepared to fight with every inch of your life to protect each other from not only physical attacks, but also the unseen adversaries. If you are prepared and committed to each other, when you overcome those struggles in your lives you will experience those happily ever after moments.
With over 20 years married to the same woman and a college education, I have some experience making marriage work. My desire is to strengthen marriages.All daily blog entries offer different tools to marriage. If you are just joining us, read prior entries for marriage tools to apply. You can find a list in the right column below. I speak from a view of one woman and one man so there is no confusion.
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