Over the years I have had many people comment on how broad my shoulders are. I simply smile and wait as they unload their emotional burdens on them. As a husband it is our responsibility to shoulder the frustrations, hurts, and emotions that are dragging our wives down. For me though, I have found it easier sometimes to help a total stranger than to listen to my wife and her frustrations from the day.
I Corinthians 13:7,8a “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, Love never ends”.
So here it is. The end of what love is according to Corinthians. The reality is, for us as husbands, is to look at this as a new beginning. Love is something to work on and strive to better offer our wives. Each and every one of our marriages would be stronger and better if we simply embodied our responsibility and obeyed the command to love our wives. This does not mean to be weak or passive, but embody all that it is to be love.
Encourage and hold your wives up and model love for your children. Be strong and lead your household in love and they will gladly submit to your direction. Believe in your wives and trust their decisions. Not everything will work out perfect, but come along side them with hope that the best outcome will occur. When things do fall apart encourage them not to give up. Together things will work out if you strive through them TOGETHER! DON”T GIVE UP!